DHS Releases Grant Guidance for 2010

grant-program-overview-fy2010.pdf (page 3 of 28).jpgThe folks over at Emergency Management have posted a good summary of the newly released 2010 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant Guidance.

While the bulk of the $2.7 billion is targeted at terrorism-related security (this is DHS, after all), there’s plenty here for those looking for funding to protect coastal communities from weather and climate hazards, including:

  • Emergency Management Performance Grants Program — $329 million to assist state and local governments in enhancing and sustaining all-hazards emergency management capabilities. (Applications due January 22, 2010)
  • Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program — $48 million to assist governments in carrying out initiatives identified in Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans and improve interoperable emergency communications used to respond to natural disasters and acts of terrorism. (Applications due February 12, 2010)
  • Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program — $33.6 million to enhance catastrophic incident preparedness in high-risk, high-consequence urban areas and their surrounding regions and support coordination of regional all-hazard planning for catastrophic events, including the development of integrated planning communities, plans, protocols and procedures to manage a catastrophic event. (Applications due April 19, 2010)

With nearly $3 billion on the table, it may well be worth your while to head over to the Emergency Management summary, or download the 28-page DHS report (PDF) for all the details.