Want to Learn About Online Mapping with MORIS? CZM Will Bring the Training to You

From the always useful CZ-Mail:

The Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information System, or MORIS, is a web-based coastal mapping tool that makes coastal and ocean data available to the public—allowing people to interactively view data, create and share maps, and download data for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS). While designed for coastal management professionals, MORIS can be easily used by anyone interested in these data and maps. In January, CZM released a new-and-improved MORIS that allows users to display new basemaps (such as Google and Bing), easily search available data layers, print and save maps, change map symbols, directly access select federal and other external data sources, readily share and modify the 100% open source code, and much, much more. While learning to use MORIS is easy, discovering the breadth and depth of options available takes time. To help your organization learn all that MORIS can do, CZM data management staff are available to train your team. To find out more or to schedule a training, email CZM’s Dan Sampson at daniel.sampson@state.ma.us.

Great opportunity.