Tag Archives | sea level rise

East Coast Sea Level Rising Faster than it has in at Least 2,000 Years

This isn’t good news. According to a new study to be published online by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week, sea level is rising faster along the U.S. East Coast than it has for at least 2,000 years. The study concludes that the ocean began rising an average of 2.1 millimeters […]

Rolling Easements: Finally, a Long-Term Approach for Rising Seas and Coastal Erosion?

It’s not hard to get overwhelmed when considering your community’s current flood and erosion problems. Add in projections for what future climates will bring and it’s enough to make you want to just stay at home (at least until the sea comes into your home). Unfortunately, nobody has found a silver bullet to save coastal […]

EPA and NOAA Combine Forces to Protect Coastal People and Ecosystems

John Bowie just shared this good news over on StormSmart Connect: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have announced a joint agreement that will protect the safety, health, and property of people living in or visiting coastal communities around the nation. The two agencies will partner with local […]

Community Says Addressing Sea Level Rise Good for Local Economy

In tough economic times, there are those who think that municipalities need to be less particular about growth in order to be more “business friendly,” especially for issues felt to be far off in the future, like sea level rise. But Portland, Maine is choosing to address sea level rise head-on, and at least one […]

Town of Hull Amends Zoning Bylaw to Reduce Flood Losses

In an attempt to lessen flood losses, the town of Hull has amended their zoning bylaw to consider not only current, but future conditions. Notable changes include: 1. A requirement that the town’s review process ensures that a proposed project won’t cause or worsen flooding on other properties (sounds like a good NAI approach). The […]

New England Climate Change: What’s Happening and What You Can Do

Our southern neighbors at the The University of Rhode Island Climate Change Collaborative and Rhode Island Sea Grant have just released a short new brochure on what climate change could mean for New England communities, and what steps your community can take to prepare for it. In addition to a brief overview of current expectations […]

Trying to Drive Climate Change Adaptation? Focus on Social, not Environmental Vision

Like most of us, I’d like to think that getting people the best information will drive them to make the right decisions. Certainly that’s been a big drive behind StormSmart Coasts. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that things aren’t that simple. It’s easy to find examples in our own lives of knowing better but still making […]

Want to Protect Your Community from Sea Level Rise? Protect Your Wetlands

When we first assembled the conceptual framework for StormSmart Coasts back in 2006, we made a deliberate decision to not focus on ecological and habitat issues. This wasn’t because we didn’t think these topics were important—clearly they were and are—but because we wanted to really zero in on hazards without getting entangled on all the […]

Great New Publication on Elevating Existing Homes

We all know that the best way to keep buildings out of flood waters is to keep them out of areas that flood. The reality for most communities, though, is that homes and other structures are already in areas that flood. What to do then? There are many options, of course. You could somehow acquire […]

Another Radio Show on Massachusetts’s Rising Sea Levels

This time, from WGBH: Rising Sea Levels Threaten Massachusetts Coast, Sea Walls There’s no question about it. Sea levels are rising. 65 acres of Massachusetts coastline is taken back by the sea each year. Over the last century, ocean waters have crept up a full foot along the New England coast and new research shows […]