Tag Archives | legal

Community Threatens to Fine Homeowners Over Renourished-Beach Access

The New Jersey Star-Ledger has published a fascinating story about a barrier island community struggling with whether or not the Township can nourish private beaches within its jurisdiction without the blessing of its waterfront landowners. The debate, distilled into one paragraph: “Mayors want to keep beaches and dunes wide, attractive and safe. Waterfront homeowners balk […]

Summary of Changes to NFIP

For those of you involved in flood insurance, here’s a summary from FEMA of the latest changes to the NFIP: On October 1, 2009, important changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) will take effect. There will be an increase in rates, the standard deductibles, and the basic insurance limits. These combined changes will […]

Corps of Engineers Mandates Consideration of Sea Level Rise

In a new public document, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) has announced that it will immediately require all COE Civil Works projects in coastal and estuarine areas to consider sea level rise in all phases of its projects. The short document continues with specific explanations of which rates of sea level rise must […]

North Carolina Amends Innovative Beach Plan

The latest newsletter from the Institute for Business and Home Safety reports on some of the more forward-thinking innovations in the recently passed amendments North Carolina Beach Plan, including some interesting building code and insurance revisions: Legislation that amends North Carolina’s state-funded coastal insurance plan, known as the Beach Plan, was recently signed by Gov. […]

LEGAL: Liability of Government for Flood Damages Tested

As flood-damages grow, so do lawsuits alleging that certain individuals, organizations, or developments are responsible for exacerbating problems (see the legal section of this site). Yesterday a civil suit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began in a federal court in New Orleans. The plaintiff contends that the 76-mile-long Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO: […]